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lululemon running club


Lululemon Summer Run Club

lululemon Bath invites you to an inclusive and fun focused run club for all abilities!

lululemon Bath summer running club

Our run club is designed to bring together our Bath community. We want to encourage you to get moving and give you the space to develop your fitness and running ability. Each session is designed to challenge a different skill ie speed, agility and endurance. Run at your own pace and options will always be provided to ensure we can all GET INTO IT!

lululemon running club

The summer run club takes place every Tuesday at 6:30, and is a FREE to participate in. If you are interested in taking part then be sure to follow the link below where you can book your spot, there are no booking fees this is simply so we know numbers. The club all meet up at the lululemon store prior to the run. Please arrive 10 mins before to register and you can leave your bags etc at the Store.

We look forward to seeing you there!



Every Tuesday at 6:30




Reserve your slot


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